Bible Course
The Bible Course will resume on Wednesday, the 21st of August from 7 pm till 8.30 pm at the Church Office. To enroll for this study, please contact us.
Children Ministry Workshop
If you are currently or interested to help out in the children ministry, please attend the upcoming workshop to get familiar with the new curriculum called the Awana Brite. It will be held on Sunday, the 15th of September from 12 pm to 3 pmand lunch will be provided. To register, please email [email protected].
Screen Addiction Workshop
Two guest speakers specialized in screen addiction from the Jackie Pullinger’s organization in Hong Kong will be holding a screen addiction seminar for DBICC family and friends on Friday, the 20th of September from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Church Office. We will be serving pizza for the evening. To register, please email [email protected].
Sunday Service
Sunday service on the 29th of Septemberwill be held at the DB North Community Hall at 11 am and children services will be offered in the adjacent rooms.
Volunteers Opportunities
Each service is not possible without your help. There are so many ways that you could serve within our church and community. Here is a SHAPE Assessment to find out your God's given gifts and cultivate your skills by serving alongside us.
Right Now Media
Please join us using Right Now Media which contains 20,000 bible study videos on topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances and so much more that you could use for your quiet time or study guide with your life/guard groups. It also has more than 2,000 educational and entertaining videos for your kids to watch. This app could be downloaded on any type of device whether you are an Android or Apple user. Register here to get access to Right Now Media today!