DBICC Health & Safety Procedures during Covid-19 – November 2020
We are aiming to provide a safe service for this community to worship God. We believe these are prudent but not onerous precautions.
- If you are feeling unwell … please stay home for your own good and for the consideration of others in our church family. Please let us know so we can pray for you and help you in other practical ways.
- Entry The Discovery College Security Team will do the initial Health Screening and Questionnaire (see below) before allowing people to enter the premises.
- Included: Temperature check, hand sanitizer, questions about recent travel, health concerns and contact with Covid-19 patients.
- There will be a separate queue for pilots and air crew, making allowance for those under medical surveillance. Those still within their 24 hour self-isolation time will not be allowed entry.
- Nursery We will not provide Nursery caregivers or toys during the month of November. We will have the play mats, changing station and a speaker set up in the area where the Nursery is normally located if parents want to step into that area with their babies. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to resume Nursery care soon.
- Junior Kids Church (age 2.5-5 years) & Senior Kids Church (age 6–10 years) will be provided.
- All children and teachers must wear a mask
- Toys will be limited and will be cleaned before and after the session
- The room will be limited to 50% of the capacity for that venue.
- There will be no snacks.
- Theatre For the main worship service several precautions will be in place:
- Seating will be limited to 50% of the capacity for the room.
- We will block off rows of chairs to make sure groups guidelines are respected.
- Medical Surveillance Areas - We will reserve the upper balcony sections on each side for pilots and air crew who are under medical surveillance.
- Other Precautions Cleaning is done with a solutions of 1:99 parts bleach or at least 70% alcohol.
- Masks in both adult and child sizes will be available for those who did not bring one with them.
- We will not use items that are typically shared or passed around like community Bibles, offering collection bags, etc.
Health Screening Questionnaire from Discovery College
All people entering the campus must sign in and answer following questions at the entrance:
- Have you traveled back into Hong Kong from overseas within the last 14 days?
- Have you been diagnosed with Covid-19?
- Is anyone in your household a confirmed infection of Covid-19?
- Has anyone in your household been classified as a “close contact of an infected person” of Covid-19?
- Do you have any symptoms of Covid-19, such as temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius, cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulty and/or sore throat?
- If "yes" to any of the above, please do not enter or attempt to enter the school.